the sounds in my neighborhood

Sometimes I sit down right where I am standing and listen to the sounds in my neighborhood.

A car drives by playing loud music. It’s so loud the windows on the car rattle and it sounds like the car said boom.

My mother says the music is a little too loud, but my brother says it’s just loud enough.

An airplane flies overhead and sounds like a giant bumblebee making lazy circles in the sky.

Several people are mowing their lawns. It sounds like the Christmas concert we went to in the city. My mother called that a symphony, so maybe this is a symphony of lawn mowers.

Our neighbor is running a table saw in his garage and it sounds like a lion’s roar and I imagine being a famous explorer in a far off country.

My sister says I have never heard a lion roar so how do I know if that is true, but my mother says maybe I hear what I hear and my sister hears what she hears and that is okay.

A truck drives by after making deliveries to the market on the corner and it sounds like its climbing stairs as it drives passed our house.

My father says the driver is “shifting gears” when the engine makes that sound.

One of my favorite sounds is the sound of wind rustling through the trees. It is a quiet sound and easy to miss. My grandmother says it is a lullaby the trees sing to the birds. She puts her arm around me and kisses my forehead when she says this.

The sun is hot on top of my head and even the heat seems to have a shimmering kind of sound. I can’t explain this sound, you will have to listen for it yourself.

It’s easy. You just sit down right where you are standing and listen to the sounds in your neighborhood.

What are the sounds you hear?